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Weight loss can be very difficult for many individuals. There are countless diets out there to choose from and a variety of fitness plans to go with them, but for many this way of trying to lose weight has not worked. The key to successful weight loss is not just dieting or exercising. Successful weight loss involves a lifestyle change. Focusing on not only your physical health but also your mental health is what aids our patients in long lasting results.
Our most popular weight loss program. The Rapid Weight Loss HCG Program is inspired by the modern HCG diet protocol that was founded by Dr. Emma, commonly featured here on Dr Oz. Absolute Weight Loss uses this newer approach that increases the user’s daily caloric intake and includes a few supplements as part of treatment. The new diet protocol also contains enhanced recipes that featured food with more protein, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins without increasing sugar or starches. During the intense dieting phase where food intake and calorie count is strictly measured, we have a higher caloric requirement with the exact calorie amount largely depending on a person’s body metabolic rate. While some protocols claim that users can lose weight between 1 to 2 pounds a day, our new diet protocol promises a more realistic expectation of shredding about ½-1 pound each day.
More info on the new HCG diet
Our Rapid Weight Loss HCG program treatment involves increasing the caloric intake to retain muscle while fat is burning. Only the best HCG injections. Contrary to older HCG protocols, our improved plan consists of pure HCG injections as compared to homeopathic HCG diet supplements. These diet supplements that are present in older protocols are formulated with a low concentration of HCG. With concentrated HCG hormones, users are more likely to experience quick yet long-lasting weight loss. The program includes amazing recipes that can promote a healthy and delicious diet. A great feature of the program that is loved by almost everyone is that users are able to continue their daily exercise like an intense cardio workout or simply walking around the park.
When the question of can men take HCG, the answer is a resounding yes. HCG for men works in much the same way as it does for women. Since our bodies are very similar, HCG will have a similar effect on men that makes it ideal as a dietary supplement. Although the male body doesn’t naturally produce much HCG, males can still see the same effects on the body as females, mainly with boosting the body’s metabolism and burning stored fat instead of muscle.
However, HCG effects on males can also be very different than those on females. HCG has been known to boost testosterone levels in males, thus producing very beneficial effects on males, such as increased energy, increased testosterone levels, and increased fertility levels. This makes HCG in males a good supplement for more than just dieting reasons.
Our experts have helped 100s of men and women reach their weight loss goals. Almost all of the users have been happy with their attractive body changes after they have strictly followed our rapid weight loss HCG weight loss program. Even after the program has been completed, users are amazed by the simplicity of maintaining their ideal weight. As a result, many clients have suggested our program to family, friends and coworkers. Our new and improved Rapid Weight Loss HCG program truly has all of the necessary components to obtain a healthy and attractive weight.
Starting at $699
Our Plans are rooted in lifestyle and functional medicine principles — while all of the lifestyle factors are important for overall health, you can’t out work a poor diet.
Using food as medicine is a key principle that we continue to emphasize with our clients. In addition, these food plans are recommended by the Robinsons when they have patients who are looking for diet guidance to:
These food plans are designed by the Institute for Functional Medicine and are tools to help you along your health journey, as that journey often starts in the kitchen, this is a great guide along the way!
Looking for that extra boost of energy? Well look no further, the answer is here. An energy blast and a metabolic kick-start all in one quick injection. Lipo-B12s help detoxify, de-stress and remove fat, while boosting metabolism, immunity and energy (beyond a regular B12 shot). An all-natural injection, Lipo-B12 reduces body fat, help cleanse the liver and combats stress and fatigue. Lipotropics are three amino acids that are essential for the health of your liver: Choline, Methione, and Inositol.
Starting at $20
There are FDA approved appetite suppressants available to help our clients lose weight. They are effective in reducing about 5%-10% of a patient's weight simply by using them. When these medications are combined with nutritional counseling, caloric restriction, and low carbohydrate diets up to 30% of body weight may be lost and maintained within 12 to 18 months.
Price Variable-Requires In-Office Visit